Aug 17, 2015
In this episode I decided to read two articles from the latest
issue of the Fabricator Magazine published by NOMMA (National
Ornamental and Miscellaneous Metal Association). The first
article is written by Don Hutson. He is a Hall of Fame
speaker, a global expert on sales and negotiations, and an author
of many books, the latest is called “Selling Value: Principles of
Value Based Selling”. The second article I read is from the
NOMMA online ListServ system, an online forum where you can ask
questions and receive answers from other members. The
question was posed by Richard Twiddy of Unique Iron Design LTD –
“Recommendations for an even rust finish”. Join NOMMA to get
your questions answered by other members.
An article written by Don Hutson “Ways to sell value, rather
than price”
- “Price is falling away as a method to sell
against your competitors. Here are 7 ways to distinguish
yourself based on the value you can provide your clients, rather
than the short term method based totally on cost.”
- “What is value
anyway? The truth is that value, like beauty, is quite
subjective…..The only definition of value that really matters is
the one your prospect has.”
- “Sell value by
differentiating your services. To our customers, we often
appear to offer just about the same products and services as our
competitors until we have the opportunity to differentiate.”
- “Make a needs analysis
work for you. Let’s first discuss some principles of the
needs-analysis process….
- Always take notes
- Ask well thought out questions
- Understand your prospects priorities
- Show your sincerity to help”
- “Seven ways to differentiate yourself from the
- Product
- Price differentiation
- Relationship differentiation
- Process differentiation
- Technological differentiation
- Experiential differentiation
- Marketing differentiation
- “Bottom line – Your
goal is to transition your prospect from a discussion on price to a
discussion on the different deliverables you offer.”
NOMMA, reprinted from the July/August 2015 Fabricator
“Recommendations on an even rust finish” – from the NOMMA
ListServ online forum.
Richard Twiddy from Unique Iron Designs LTD asked “Does anyone
have a recommendation for achieving an even rust finish for a
decorative, plasma-cut, mild steel fire pit? We intend to
shot-blast after it is finished to get a consistent surface and
then need an even rust finish.”
Jeffery Presbaugh, Aberdeen Custom Gate & Iron
“I like to use vinegar, water, and copper sulfate (root killer
for septic systems). Mixture is non-critical: then just spray
it on. It will change before your eyes.”
Eric Cuper, Cuper Studios LLC
“I don’t know what chemicals you have access to, but if you can
get some ferric chloride, water, and a spray bottle you can get an
even coat of rust. Muriatic acid will do in a pinch.
After blasting, spray with a coat of diluted acid – let’s say 2
parts water, 1 part acid. Not dripping, just evenly
wet. Allow to dry. Then wet again with water
only. Keep repeating the water until you get the look you
Dan Donovan, Allform Welding Inc
“We recently used a formula of 16 oz. of hydrogen peroxide, 2
oz. of white vinegar and ½ tablespoon of salt. Put it into a
spray bottle, shake it up good to mix, and then spray it on.
We had laser-cut decorative panels hanging vertically in the yard
and sprayed them several times per day for a a couple of
days. Turned out good.”
Sonya Roman, Outland Steel Inc.
“Add some ketchup, which makes the solution thick. It also
helps to put a piece of plastic over it. In Idaho, we have
low humidity; most of the time, it takes considerable encouragement
to get a rust finish. Of, course, if you do a white blast, it
goes to rust easily.”
Patrick Cardine, Cardine Studios LLC
“We do this all the time. Blast, and before spritzing with
hydrogen peroxide, wash with battery acid/sulfuric acid. The
difference is dramatic if you wash it with acid first. Rusts
immediately. Over a couple of days of spritzing the rust will
bite better.”
Richard Twiddy
“Thanks for your suggestions. I’ll give them a try.
I love the NOMMA ListServ service. We are all so lucky.
Ask any question, and so many people try their best to help within
a very short time. For 40 years, all I have tried to do is
STOP things from rusting. Now people want, rust. I must be
getting old.”
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